PMI DELAWARE VALLEY CHAPTER: Job Posting Board Networking Call

PMI-DVC: JPB Networking Call – Topic: “Interview Prep & Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting”

Are you exploring new job opportunities? You are invited to join the Job Posting Board (JPB) Team to discuss the topic of “Interview Prep and Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting” which is also the topic of the Chapter’s February Career Connection newsletter.  You will receive one (1) PDU for attending this event.

Our enthusiastic Chapter Leader and JPB Team member for the session is Melissa Miller, PMP, who is a Business Process Consultant for a company in Wilmington, Delaware, supporting supply chain manufacturing.  Melissa is originally from Philadelphia and enjoys salsa dancing, blogging, soccer games, movies, hiking, and great conversations.  Connect with her on LinkedIn: Melissa holds a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. 

Marie Hegarty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PMI-DVC: JPB Networking Call - "Interview Prep and Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting"

Time: Feb 23, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

PMI-DVC: JPB Networking Call – Topic: “Interview Prep & Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting”

Are you exploring new job opportunities? You are invited to join the Job Posting Board (JPB) Team to discuss the topic of “Interview Prep and Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting” which is also the topic of the Chapter’s February Career Connection newsletter.  You will receive one (1) PDU for attending this event.

Our enthusiastic Chapter Leader and JPB Team member for the session is Melissa Miller, PMP, who is a Business Process Consultant for a company in Wilmington, Delaware, supporting supply chain manufacturing.  Melissa is originally from Philadelphia and enjoys salsa dancing, blogging, soccer games, movies, hiking, and great conversations.  Connect with her on LinkedIn: Melissa holds a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from Drexel University, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Delaware. 

Marie Hegarty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: PMI-DVC: JPB Networking Call - "Interview Prep and Tailoring a Resume to a Job Posting"

Time: Feb 23, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 1752 6398

Passcode: 646978

Dial by your location:   +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: JPB Networking Call

Date: February 23rd, 2022

Hour: 5:30AM to 6:30AM

# of PDUs: 0.0


Members: Free
