Election Guidelines
PMI Delaware Valley chapter
What is electioneering? In the charter agreement of every PMI chapter, the following provision is listed regarding electioneering, that every individual (member?) and chapter of the Institute is required to uphold:
"In accordance with PMI policies, practices, procedures, rules and directives, no funds or resources of PMI or the Chapter may be used to support the election of any candidate or group of candidates for PMI, Chapter or public office. No other type of organized electioneering, communications, fund-raising or other organized activity on behalf of a candidate shall be permitted. The Chapter Nominating Committee, or other applicable body designated by the Chapter, will be the sole distributor(s) of all election materials for Chapter elected positions. The Nominating Committee will clearly outline and communicate the conditions under which a member may run for office, eligibility criteria for elected positions; and procedures for nomination and election, in accordance with the Chapter’s governing documents, PMI’s a Chapter Policy Manual."
What does this mean? At the chapter and PMI Board of Directors levels, candidates running for a position may communicate one-on-one with individuals about their experience and qualifications. However, no mass communications should be sent from any person (candidate or other) about the election, unless information is an official communication from the nominating committee or a chapter designated body.
The following information is from the Rules of the Board, and are guidelines that members of PMI’s Board of Directors follow:
Election Activities
Use of PMI Funds and/or Resources. No funds or resources of the Institute, or its communities or employees, shall be used to support the nomination or election of any candidate or group of candidates except for information posted on the official PMI Election website or published through other PMI media in direct support of the election process.
Candidate Communication. Candidates may communicate, one-on-one, regarding their candidacy only if the communication focuses on their qualifications. Mass communications are prohibited. The candidates may not make reference to any other candidate or any existing or past Directors.
Campaign Materials. No candidate or PMI member may utilize any campaign materials such as posters, buttons/lapel pins, group activities or sponsorships to promote a candidate.
Candidate Communications with the Institute. The candidate should discuss the position with former directors or a member of the nominating committee. Specific requirements of the position in terms of time, expense, meeting schedules, and administrative assistance should be explored.
PMI Promotion of Particular Candidates. PMI and its communities may not participate in any activity or provide opportunities at any PMI sponsored or PMI community functions that promotes or negatively impacts a particular candidate.
Compliance with Election Activity Rules of the Board. The nomination committee will ensure that all nominees, as a condition of expressing their interest in being a nominee, will submit a signed copy of this Rule of the Board verifying that they have read, understand and agree to abide by these policies and rules. This includes the following statement:
'As a condition of my potential nomination or candidacy, I agree that I will not initiate, encourage, accept or endorse conduct on behalf of my potential nomination or candidacy which is in violation of the policy relating to the election as adopted by the PMI Board of Directors. To violate this policy may result in revocation of my nomination by petition or candidacy for office.’
6.0.9 Violation of Election Activity Rules of the Board. Any alleged violations of these Rules shall be addressed in accordance with PMI Bylaws Article VI, Section C, 6: ‘Disputes’.
For information about PMI Board Governance, please read the PMI Rules of the Board which includes policies and procedures for Chapter boards.