PMI-DVC Professional Development Day, Springfield Country Club, Springfield, PA

From a Good Project Manager to a Great Leader
Adding that Critical Component to all of our Careers – Leadership

When: Friday, May 3, 2019, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Springfield Country Club, Springfield, PA
Credit: 4 Leadership and 4 Strategic PDUs


Please join us for a PMI Delaware Valley Chapter Professional Development Day

Speaker: David Barrett, President, Solutions Network Ltd.

Project Managers make great leaders. Through our training, studies, certifications and experience we have gained an amazing foundation for a future that includes the word ‘leadership’.

Today’s organizations are looking for tomorrow’s leadership team and many of us are well positioned to take on those roles – beyond project management.   But for those of us who do not want to leave the project management space, the potential of becoming a great leader still rings clear.

But how do we get there?   What will it take to get our careers to this next level?   How can you move from a management position to one of a leader: a senior leader within your industry or within the project management environment you currently work in?

This interactive session will put aside the skills and knowledge you need to have to be a good project manager and focus on what you need to be a great leader.

Over the course of the day we will explore the gaps between our skills, knowledge and professional attributes and those of famous and local leaders.   In the process we will develop our new professional strategic plan. Topics, discussions and exercises will include: strategic planning, key leadership attributes, leadership styles, how leaders think and work, understanding the business, communicating like a leader, messaging like a leader and more

Who should attend?

This workshop is designed for anyone is in the project management or general management space. As leadership is critical to all of our work, this session promises to offer great value for everyone.

Course Learning Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:                

  • Develop a personal strategic plan to move from a manager to a leader
  • Understand where your gaps are and what you need to do to fill them
  • Recognize your strengths and learn how to leverage them

Seminar Agenda

  • What is a leader? What the Difference between a leader and a manager?
  • What are the key attributes, skills and knowledge of strong leaders? And where do you stand -self evaluation
  • Thinking like a leader - learning the language, talking the talk.
  • Communication Skills for Leaders
  • Decision making and good judgement
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Leadership Styles and where you fit in
  • Coaching, Mentoring
  • Your Own Professional Strategic Plan
  • Dealing with People at all Levels

About the Speaker
David Barrett is a professional speaker, regular blogger, podcast host, author of 6 books and education advisor.  He specializes in helping people and organizations Execute to the Plan by creating healthy projects and strategies.  David’s career includes the creation and directing of a conference business, training company, software development firm, speaker bureau, and most recently a TED-style event series for project professionals across North America.

Registration Fees*

PMI-DVC Status   thru April 30    thru May 2   May 3     
Members $250 $300  $350
Non-Members $300 $325  $350

 *Registration fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, full day presentation and a copy of the speaker's book "Leadership Perspectives."  

Group discounts for 4 or more attending from the same company or organization are available. Contact us for more information.

Springfield Country Club
400 W. Sproul Road
Springfield, PA 19064

Complimentary self-parking available

7:30 am - 8:00 am Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:00 am - 12:00 pm Business Session
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Business Session



It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Special Events

Date: May 3rd, 2019

Hour: 8:00AM to 4:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Springfield Country Club