Powering You Forward

Upcoming Events and New Resources from PMI Global & PMI-DVC's AI SIG!

Join PMI on 30 July for PMIxAI Day, a virtual open house on ProjectManagement.com! Dive into AI's transformative impact on project management with live webinars from industry leaders discussing AI's impact on the role of project management to top tips for using generative AI responsibly, plus a whole lot more. Bonus: earn PDUs along the way. Subscribe to the projectmanagement.com's AI Digest page for more!

PMI’s new course, Talking to AI: Prompt Engineering for Project Managers, is designed to help you effectively leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and PMI Infinity. Get responses that are relevant, customized, and insightful for your project needs. Prompt Engineering Essential for Project Managers, a 34 page primer; time commitment, 60 minutes; value: 3 PDUs and complimentary to PMI members, Register Now.  

PMI Infinity Updates Your AI-powered co-pilot leveled up! Say hello to your new prompt library! Achieve specific outcomes through a curated repository of prompts created and vetted by the PMI community. And experience improved contextual understanding with system prompts that better distinguish between “Learning” and “Task” modes. Whether you want to get things done or deep dive into a topic, we’ve got you covered. Learn more.

August 8, 1-2 pm:  Still using Excel to Manage Your Projects?  How to move to Microsoft Planner & Project  Progility offered an excellent virtual demonstration of how Microsoft Planner, Teams, PowerBI and Co-Pilot work together in July.  If you missed it,  review the recording here.  Register for the August 8th and future Progility events on EventBrite.                                                                                                 

8/14/2024:  Join us for Sarah Maxwell, PMI’s Region 4 Chapter Engagement Specialist’s presentation and discussion of PMI:NEXT.  PMI:NEXT is PMI’s vision for growth and innovation which emphasizes the importance of adapting to industry trends and embracing new technologies.                                            

Need to Catch Up!

Visit Global PMI's Artificial Intelligence in Project Management where you will find PMI's latest release First Movers’ Advantage: The Immediate Benefits of Adopting Generative AI For Project Management.

If you missed any of events since Jan 2024, subscribe to PMI-DVC Education YouTube Channel.

Our PMI-DVC's AI Transformation Project Management: Resource Guide, January 2024 edition is  available.  

Interested in Sharing Your AI journey?

Based on PMI-DVC AI Post-Event Surveys, survey respondents rate the relevance of survey topics presented by our chapter members higher than those presented by others.  If you are looking for a Giving Back Opportunity where you can develop and deliver content and earn 1 PDU for each hour towards recertification, please contact pdamico@pmi-dvc.org.