Spring Professional Development Day

Power Skills

Spring Professional Development Day for PMI Delaware Valley Chapter

When: Friday, May 12, 2023, 9:30 am – 3:10 pm

Where: via Zoom

Credit: 4 PDUs, Power Skills

Registration fee: PMI-DVC Members: $60, Non-Members: $80

Note: If 4 or more attendees from the same company attend a $10.00 discount for each attendee will be applied. Please contact us for more information.

Topic: Analytical Decision-Making (ADM) and Essential Negotiating Skills (ENS)


9:30 am Meeting opens

10:00 am - Noon Analytical Decision-Making Presentation

Noon – 1:00 pm Lunch

1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Essential Negotiating Skills

3:10 pm Professional Development Day concludes

Speaker Bio:

Dr. Errol Wirasinghe, developer of the Xpert US Decision Support System (software), is the author of books on decision-making, and on Negotiating. He has trained several Fortune 500 companies and is also an adjunct professor at the University of Houston’s MBA program.

Dr. Wirasinghe has published papers on topics relating to Management, and Engineering. He has carved out a niche as a “decision-maker” using analytics, to shatter the myth and math of decision-making.

Analytical Decision-Making session

This Analytical Decision-Making session has been specifically designed for analysts, specialists, CXOs, industry professionals, etc., to make validated decisions. Most importantly, it will give participants the necessary knowledge, tools, and techniques, to make decisions that are timely, consistent, optimal, and defensible, in the today’s world of information and choice overload. The “Hands-On Modeling” (HOM) workshop, for those who wish to learn how to model problems using the FREE software. (ADM is a prerequisite.

Simply stated, problem solving is the creative process of coming up with a range of potential solutions for the problem at hand. Decision making is the process of identifying the optimal one, for implementation. Sadly, many people think these two processes are one and the same, never realizing that the techniques required for one are distinctly different from the techniques required for the other.

Essential Negotiating Skills (ENS)

There is no “one size fits all” technique to negotiating, because each negotiating scenario is unique – the subject, the power & personality of the players, the environment, time & resource constraints, etc., are very different. Irrespective of how great, the cards you have – your sequence of play will be dictated to a high degree, by the cards the others drop on the table. There are hundreds of books and papers on negotiating, citing various case studies. This workshop is not about another few case studies. Yes, we do discuss case studies. But our primary focus is to provide you with a process, and a set of tools that you could use in any given situation.

Anything you want or need is owned or controlled by someone else. Yet, everyone is willing to give you what you want – in return for what they want. But, to get that something on your terms, you must: Negotiate, and be willing to pay the price! Remember, nothing in life is free – you pay for it indirectly. When you get something for nothing, you just haven’t been billed, yet. There is always a price, if not now, certainly later! The greatest misunderstanding about negotiating is that it is adversarial in nature. It is a problem-solving process where each side sees the other as a potential partner – it is not designed for those with a trial or debating mentality.


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Type of category: PDD

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: May 12th, 2023

Hour: 9:30AM to 3:10PM

# of PDUs: 4


Members: $60.00

Non members and Guests: $80.00
